If my child is accepted into Camp Watershed agree to:
• Allow my child to participate in all Camp activities including but not limited to athletic games, swimming, hiking, team-building activities, boating, special events, outdoor games, and ropes course activities.
• Send necessary medication (if my child requires medication).
• Notify the camp of any changes in my address or phone during the camp session so that I can be reached in an emergency.
• Authorize social service agencies, schools, clinics or doctors to release information, which the camp director feels necessary to best plan for my child at camp.
I also agree:
• That Camp Watershed will observe all reasonable precautions in providing for the care and protection of my child. By signing this application, I hereby release and hold harmless Camp Watershed, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all damages, claims, injuries, and liabilities of whatever kind, including but not limited to claims for bodily injury or loss or damage to personal property, which may arise out of my child’s attendance at camp and out of his/her participation in any activities while in attendance.
I give my permission for Camp Watershed to:
• Have and use photographs, slides, video or other media of the applicant for its records or public relations (i.e., brochures, website, newspapers, newsletters, public presentations). You may refuse by crossing out the line above.
I understand:
• If my child comes to camp without necessary medication in original containers, he/she will be sit of activities that day.
• If my child demonstrates disruptive behavior, difficulty following directions, acts inappropriately in a group setting, participating in activities or following safety rules s/he may sit out for the remainder of the day AND if my child’s actions were extremely offensive/disrespectful s/he may be suspended from camp 1 or 2 days.
• If my child demonstrates disruptive, disrespectful behavior or has difficulty following directions three (3) times s/he will be ejected from the Camp Watershed program.
• There are inherent risks involved in the outdoor and active camp program that my child will participate in at camp.
• I will be available for the duration of my child’s participation at camp in case there is an emergency for which I need to be reached.
• Camp Watershed does not approve the use of any photographs, videos, or other representation(s) of campers or the Camp anywhere outside of the authorized Camp Watershed publications or presentations.